Apr 23, 2024

Poema – April 2024, Week 4

Dear Grace,

I had a perfect moment last Sunday. My family and I sat around a fire in our backyard, telling stories, and sharing about the very full weekend that we had experienced: our teens shared about how they experienced the student retreat, my littlest shared about how he dominated his soccer match, and so on. As we sat outside, I remarked, “Oooo…I think it’s going to be a great sunset tonight!” The sky looked like a light peach as the sun slowly made its descent. I had the feeling that it would go bright pink, then lavender as the last clouds held the light. 

Sure enough, as the sun descended the sky lit up with colors that only God would have thought to combine. The coolest part about this was that all conversation ceased. The 7 of us just sat in wonder, taking in the artistry of God. No one needed to point anything out to anyone – it was simply beauty, the worship of God that language and words could not express. 

Our reflections on Ecclesiastes certainly made me more cognizant of the moment as it was unfolding. Gratitude welled up as I watched, listened, and worshiped. What have you been your perfect moments to savor and enjoy as gifts from the Lord? 

You probably know that the student ministry retreat took place this weekend. What a joy to hear singing, laughter, chatting, and all sorts of noises filling the campus. Middle school and high school students finding a safe space to rest, reflect, and seek God together. Much thanks to all who made it possible. There was literally an army of young adults and adults serving on the frontlines and behind the scenes. 

We’re nearing the end of our second run for Father Formation, a yearlong, cohort-based journey crafted to help dads think practically and intentionally about the formation of their children. Part of us went up to Baltimore to hear Pastor Jon Tyson challenge us about the need and calling to be men of God for our families, the church, and our world. I was personally so inspired.

This weekend, Pastor Thomas and the team are preparing a wonderful men’s workshop about the integration of the Gospel into our identities as men. After hearing his brief synopses, I’m sure that it’s going to be a valuable time. 

I’m really excited about an opportunity we have the first week of May. We are hosting over a hundred workers, practitioners, and prayer warriors who are called to see the Gospel reach Indo-Malay, the region with the highest Muslim population in the world. For one week, our campus will be filled with men and women coming together to network, dream, encourage, and pray for Jesus’ name to be exalted in Indo-Malay. And we get to host! 

As a special part of this, we’ll be hosting a two-night workshop for families on developing a global vision in our children. The topic is so intriguing to me as I think about how to form my kids in the midst of a culture that promotes self-absorption and a “me-only” mentality. We know that God’s heart and purposes are so much bigger than our little part of the world (though it certainly involves here). How can we keep God’s heart for the worship of the nations before our kids and in the ethos of our family? That’s what the workshop will help us practice. Find out more here.

As you can tell, there’s so much going on around here from now until the summer (and wait until you hear about the summer!). Because you can’t do everything, pray about what God wants to stir in you. Stay curious and seeking. You never know where God will show up, those burning bushes where you realize that you just have to take off your shoes because it’s holy ground. Just as often as I might sign up for something to experience God, God also shows up in places I did not expect. May that be true for you as the spring season unfolds! 

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