• If your child likes to color and do activity sheets, print off the Bible story coloring and activity pages.   
  • Have your child open their Bible and find Ezekiel 37. Explain that Ezekiel is part of the Major Prophets division of the Old Testament. Challenge your child to remember the difference between major and minor prophets. (It’s the length of the books, not the importance.) Then help them learn the other books in the same division. (Isaiah–Daniel)



Watch Together to review the kingship of Hezekiah and Josiah:


READ TOGETHER:  Ezekiel 37:11-1


    • What did God show Ezekiel? (a valley filled with bones, Ezek. 37:1-2)
    • What did God do with the bones? (caused them to reconnect, grow flesh, and come back to life; Ezek. 37:4-10)
    • What was God’s message to His people? (God would bring them back to life and fill them with His Spirit, Ezek. 37:13-14)
    • When did this prophecy come true? Guide your child to think about the two different fulfillments of this prophecy. God did bring His people back to their land as He promised. Also, God sent Jesus to die for sin and rise again to give life to believers.
    • What is our ultimate hope? Guide your child to think about our hope for the future. We know God is faithful, and He has promised to send Jesus back to earth. At that time, all of the damage sin has caused will be undone. We will be completely free from sin in every way. No matter how bad things may seem, we know that Jesus is victorious over sin. 
    • When does our life with God start? Direct your child to see that our new life with God starts right away. When we trust in Jesus, God forgives our sin and makes us new. The Holy Spirit comes to live in us and begin healing the damage sin causes. We gain God’s power to love Him, obey Him, and share the gospel.
    • CHRIST CONNECTION:  Apart from Jesus, we are like the dry bones Ezekiel saw. God showed Ezekiel His power to make dead people alive. We see God’s power at the cross. Jesus died to save sinners. God raised Jesus from the dead, and He gives us eternal life.


Lord, even when Your people were far from home in the land of Babylon, You were with them. You gave them hope through Your prophets. God, make us aware of Your presence. We look forward to one day being home with You forever. Amen.


Go to the NCC website for more resources and to download the smartphone app and turn on the “Children’s Mode.”  The children’s-mode questions and answers have also creatively been put to song to help kids memorize it.




Q: What else did God create?

 A: God created all things and all his creation was very good.

 Verse to read:  Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good…

Lyrics to Question 5 Song:

 How and why did God create us?

God created us male and female

In His own image, his own image,

To glorify him.


What else did God create?

God created all things, created all things,

And all his creation was very good,

Very good.


How and why did God create us?

God created us male and female

In His own image, his own image,

To glorify him.



Q: How can we glorify God?

 A: By loving him and by obeying his commands and law.

 Verse to read:  Deuteronomy 11:1 You shall therefore love the Lord your God and keep his charge, his statues, his rules, and his commandments always.

 Lyrics to Question 6 Song:

 How can we glorify God?

How can we glorify God?

By loving Him and by

Obeying His commands and law


How can we glorify God?

How can we glorify God?

By loving Him and by

Obeying His commands and law




CONTINUE THE STORY // PARENTS LEAD THE WAY (to prepare your kids for next Sunday)

Use the Everyday 5  bookmark to continue reading the Bible together with your child.  This week we jump to the New Testament and begin to follow Jesus’ final journey to Jerusalem.


Next week’s lesson:  Jesus’ Triumphal Entry and The Kingdom of God


The Gospel Project


The Bible Project

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